Quixxi SAST
(Static application security testing)
Scans mobile Apps as part of the development process, automated and integrated. Identify vulnerabilities and fix them. Include full explanations and recommendations
Vulnerabilities Detected
Total App Scans
Total Android Apps
Total iOS Apps

What is SAST?
Quixxi SAST (Static Application Security Testing) scanning is a comprehensive and automated process that analyzes the source code of your application to identify security vulnerabilities and potential risks. It provides an in-depth analysis of the code, highlighting issues such as code injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insecure communication protocols. The SAST scan helps to identify security gaps early in the development cycle, allowing developers to remediate issues before they become more significant problems. With QuixxiSecurity SAST scanning, you can be confident that your applications are secure and meet industry standards.
Why SAST Scan?
QuixxiSecurity SAST scanning is essential to identify security vulnerabilities in your applications and ensure they are secure from potential cyber threats. It provides a comprehensive analysis of your application’s source code, highlighting potential risks and allowing developers to remediate issues before deployment. With QuixxiSecurity SAST scanning, you can ensure that your applications are secure, meet industry standards, and protect user data from potential security breaches.