Jenkins Integration

  1. Login to the Jenkins portal
  2. Go to Manage Jenkins. Select Global tool configuration
  3. Select NodeJS Installations section
  4. Provide the Name of NodeJS
  5. Select the option to Install automatically
  6. Choose the latest version from
  7. Provide the quixxi-cli for the global npm packages to install
  8. And save the configuration
  9. Next, choose your build task and go to Build Environment
  10. Select your NodeJs Installation – name that you provided while creating nodeJs installation
  11. Now Go to Build section
  12. In the Execute shell command section, you can execute Quixxi CLI commands for continuous integration of building and protecting your app

Jenkins Integration

  1. Login to the Jenkins portal
  2. Go to Manage Jenkins. Select Global tool configuration
  3. Select NodeJS Installations section
  4. Provide the Name of NodeJS
  5. Select the option to Install automatically
  6. Choose the latest version from
  7. Provide the quixxi-cli for the global npm packages to install
  8. And save the configuration
  9. Next, choose your build task and go to Build Environment
  10. Select your NodeJs Installation – name that you provided while creating nodeJs installation
  11. Now Go to Build section
  12. In the Execute shell command section, you can execute Quixxi CLI commands for continuous integration of building and protecting your app