App Security Alert : Protecting User Privacy!

App Security Alert

🔒 App Security Alert : Protecting User Privacy! 🔒

Recent reports by Pradeo, a leading cybersecurity company, have uncovered the presence of two spyware apps on Google Play, with a shocking 15 million users unknowingly falling victim to data breaches. These apps were found to be secretly sending sensitive user data to unauthorised servers, raising serious concerns about privacy and security.

At Quixxi, we are committed to app security and protecting user privacy. With our comprehensive app security solutions, we empower organisations to proactively safeguard their applications and users’ sensitive data. Don’t let your users become victims of data breaches—partner with Quixxi to ensure the highest level of app security and maintain user trust. #AppSecurity #UserPrivacy #DataProtection

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#privacy #data #cybersecurity #google #security

🔐 Stay secure, stay protected! 🔐

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